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Everland names Space Intelligence as primary data partner

Everland Space Intelligence CanopyMapper. Credit Space Intelligence
Space Intelligence CanopyMapper. CanopyMapper provides a large-scale overview of forest canopy changes which enables country scale screening opportunities. Credit Space Intelligence.

London, 6 April 2023.- Everland, a US-based company representing a portfolio of high quality REDD+ forest conservation projects in the world, has named Space Intelligence, a data provider for nature-based projects based in Scotland, as its main data partner. Everland will use technology and data from Space Intelligence to build a comprehensive view of changes in land cover across three continents, covering a portfolio of site-based REDD+ projects and their surrounding regions. 

Everland President Josh Tosteson hopes that working with Space Intelligence will help extend Everland’s capabilities. They aim to further their goal of using data to promote REDD+ as a scalable mechanism which will deliver conservation returns and benefits to communities whose livelihoods depend on healthy forests and the ecosystem services they safeguard. 

Everland and Space Intelligence will form a multi-year partnership to pursue an evidence-based research agenda which focuses on assessing the effectiveness of the REDD+ mechanism in realising measurable forest conservation outcomes. 

“We’ve worked with the Everland team on individual projects for a number of years.” says chief executive of Space Intelligence Dr Murray Collins. “We’re excited to be moving forward to work with Everland to accelerate our global impact in a long-term partnership”.

Space Intelligence is currently providing mapping services for a portfolio of projects across Latin America, Africa and Asia-Pacific. They have a scientific heritage in the field of forest monitoring, having published over 100 scientific papers in this domain. 

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