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Register Today For Our Space Café BeNeLux On 11 June 2021

This Space Café BeNeLux will feature Simon van den Dries, General Manager at Spire Maritime, in conversation with Chiara Moenter, co-founder “SDG18 – Space for All” and her co-host of Space Cafe BeNeLux, Bano Barzingi.

A Better Future through Space

Data is a tremendously important part of our world, and caters to many aspects of our daily lives. From forecasting weather to assisting global industries such as aviation, maritime, etc, Spire is one of the respective organizations that retrieves data, analyzes it, and operationalizes it to enhance life on earth and in space. On a global and individual level, the usage of data is widely recognized and serves us to identify, solve and develop to find innovative solutions to many challenges on Earth. Simon will explain more about the work that Spire does in regard to his contributions to the space sector and the collection and analysis of maritime data. Together we will discuss how this process is done in practice to understand the journey from the satellites in space to the execution on Earth. We will also discuss subjects such as space sustainability and Simon’s perspectives on how the developments of Spire will help future generations.

The audience will have an opportunity to ask questions in dialogue with Simon van den Dries.

SpaceWatch.Global is a Switzerland-based digital magazine and portal for those interested in space and the far-reaching impact of the space sector.

This Space Café BeNeLux will be conducted in English on 11th June 2021 at 4pm CEST.

Reserve your place today.

To register please click here


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