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ReOrbit welcomes John Auburn as Chief Strategy Officer

Emma Gatti, Senior Editor at SpaceWatch.Global and Sethu Saveda Suvanam, Founder and CEO of ReOrbit. Credit: SpaceWatch.Global

Aarhus, 6 July 2022. – John Auburn, former Managing Director and CCO of Astroscale, joins ReOrbit as Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) and as a Member of the Board, said Sethu Saveda Suvanam, Founder and CEO of ReOrbit.

The company welcomes Mr Auburn’s expertise in building solutions and upscaling start-ups. He will help to identify the necessary steps and lead the way in making ReOrbit a market leader in its field. He has nearly 40 years of space experience including six years at ESOC as a Flight Dynamicist and director-level responsibilities at SciSys, Vega, and Telespazio as well.

ReOrbit provides software-defined satellites, currently expanding within the communication and space-borne data connectivity segment. Auburn will support the exploitation of the company’s data relay applications and small communication satellites in GEO. He will also back the market entry of ReOrbit’s avionics and flight software core.

New technologies are predominantly software-based but built on a very rigid system. The moment the hardware changes, the software has to change as well, which comes with extra costs and time delays. The firm is trying to bridge this gap by focusing on software-defined modular solutions rather than the traditional hardware-first approach. Their aim is to create a software that seamlessly integrates with any hardware, irrespective of who produces them.

As of today, ReOrbit has €28 million worth of commercial contracts with a commercial revenue of €1.8 million in the last 12 months. The company is expecting to reach €4 million in revenues this financial year.

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