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AXESS Receives Financing to Continue Consolidating Globally

Antennas of AXESS Networks; Credits: AXESS Networks

AXESS Networks, the result of a merger between Axesat in Latin America and CETel in Europe, is a global player in the satellite communications industry, with operations in 50 countries on four continents, providing tailored managed end-to-end communications solutions to its corporate customers. Recently Spanish development finance company COFIDES and the private debt fund ALANTRA said they will grant AXESS a long- term financing of 36 million Euros.

With corporate headquarters in Barcelona and large presences in Latin America and EMEA, the cash injection will enable it to further pursue its objectives to leverage its growth and international expansion. “We are very excited to receive this vote of confidence, which supports the strategy and vision of our company and will allow us to continue promoting growth and international expansion”, states Mauricio Segovia, CEO of AXESS Networks, following the announcement made by COFIDES and ALANTRA.

He further adds, “In times of uncertainty and risks due to the impacts of the pandemic caused by the Covid-19, it is even more relevant to receive the support and financing of organizations from the public and private sectors in support to the work being carried out by the company to its full potential”.

It is the first co-financed operation by COFIDES and ALANTRA, in which COFIDES invests through the FIEX fund. It will be managed exclusively by the Secretary of State for Commerce, which aims to promote the internationalization of Spanish companies.

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