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Space Cafe “33 minutes with Kevin O’Connell” – Space Crossroads: Regulation, Protectionism, and the Quest for International Cooperation – recap

This Space Café, “33 minutes with Kevin O’Connell”, featured Kevin O’Connell, Founder, and CEO of Space Economy Rising and co-host of the Space Economy Insights Podcast, in conversation with Torsten Kriening, Publisher of SpaceWatch.Global.

Space Crossroads: Regulation, Protectionism, and the Quest for International Cooperation

In the rapidly evolving arena of strategic space utilization, the upcoming Space Café delves into critical issues shaping the future of space diplomacy. Drawing insights from the Munich Security Conference and recent global events, the discussion underscores the necessity of international cooperation in space, likened to Earth’s own need for harmony among nations. The conversation explores the dichotomy of fostering collaboration amidst rising protectionism and the shadow of alliances between anti-democratic forces. Mr O’Connell will examine the current state of space regulation in the U.S., juxtapose it with European initiatives, and debate whether these actions could border on protectionism. The conversation will extend to the importance of trust in international partnerships, data reliability, and the overarching challenges and potential pathways to achieving a unified global approach to space governance. This session aims to unravel the complexities of space diplomacy, emphasizing the critical infrastructure space represents and the collective dependence on its secure and equitable use.

Kevin O’Connell is a recognized expert on space commerce, the global space economy, and U.S. national security matters. For almost four decades, he has focused on space commercialization and technological competitiveness and how to advance them in global markets. He has also focused on how these innovations impact U.S. and allied national security.

This Space Cafe “33 minutes with Kevin O’Connell” was held on 19 March 2024.

SpaceWatch.Global is a Europe-digital magazine and portal for those interested in space and the far-reaching impact of the space sector.

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