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UNOOSA and Japan Announce PNST Fellowship Opportunity

UNOOSA/COPUOS meeting hall, Vienna. Credit UNOOSA
UNOOSA/COPUOS meeting hall, Vienna. Credit: UNOOSA

Ibadan, 23 November 2023. – The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and the Government of Japan, in cooperation with the Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech), are providing opportunities for students from developing countries to study nano-satellite development.

As a result, the Post-graduate Study on Nano-Satellite Technologies (PNST) Fellowship Program is making three slots in the Master Program and three slots in the Doctoral Program available. The program will also cover tuition fees and provide a stipend to cover living expenses. As a result, students are invited to submit their applications by 5 January 2024 and follow in the footsteps of more than 60 graduates over the years.

The PNST program contributes to expanding access to space through hands-on education in satellite development. With access to unique testing facilities and the rich nanosatellite development experience at Kyutech, students learn about the entire life cycle of satellite development and take part in practical activities. Furthermore, the impact of the PNST program is much greater than just the individual beneficiaries. Many graduates from the program use the skills, knowledge, and network acquired through PNST to kick-start and support national space activities in their own countries.

Nanosatellites are becoming more affordable to develop and are an entry point for non-spacefaring nations. Satellite applications and services coming from these satellites contribute significantly to socioeconomic development and can help countries achieve the SDGs.

UNOOSA Director Aarti Holla-Maini said: “We are happy to open another round of PNST to provide this hands-on extensive educational opportunity to students from developing nations. We are proud to see the achievements of the fellows to accelerate their national and regional space activities and look forward to welcoming more bright and young future leaders in space to join PNST and gain this invaluable experience.”

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