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Karman Week 2023 – Interview with Mani Thiru

‘Space is a shared frontier, not a race.’ Wise words from Mani Thiru, head of Space and satellites for Amazon Web Services across Asia Pacific. Mani discusses with Dr Emma Gatti the civil society’s role in the space sector, and dives deep into the balance between space progress and sustainability. Watch it now!

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#SpaceWatchGL Geopolitics – Italy’s unfulfilled Space destiny

This year Italy is hosting two of the most important events for the Space domain, alongside chairing the G7. But what could be the perfect opportunity to consolidate Italy’s position in the Space sector falls short in the hands of a political class without a clear strategic vision, confining Italy to be characterized by a historical lack of planning capacity and low technical ambitions, in contrast with the several industrial and academic excellences that it expresses at worldwide level in the aerospace sector.