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Space Factor ITA ep. 02 – Giovanni Pandolfi

Giovanni Pandolfi co-founded Leaf Space in 2014. Credit: Leaf Space

Welcome to Space Factor, the new  podcast mini-series presented by SpaceWatch.Global in collaboration with Dassault Systèmes Italia, the leading agency supporting the creation, simulation and production of space systems.

Our aim is to connect space leaders with aspiring students and innovative thinkers in the Italian space sector. We have chosen to produce Space Factor in Italian to foster a local and direct approach to discussing space and its societal benefits.

In our second episode we met with Giovanni Pandolfi, the CSO and co-founder of Leaf Space. Editor in Chief Emma Gatti went to visit Giovanni at  Leaf Space’s headquarter in Lomazzo, near Como, and asked him about his career journey, how he ended up to co-found Leaf Space when he was still at university, and why he decided to invest in the ground segment. We invite you to tune in and enjoy this inspiring discussion!

Happy listening!


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