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Register Today for next Space Café Austria by Sabine Pongruber on 16 June 2023

This Space Café Austria will feature Margit Mischkulnig, Head of Department for Space Affairs at the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, in conversation with Sabine Pongruber, Founder and CEO of WEME Global and a friend of SpaceWatch.Global.

“Austria’s Footprint in Space”

In our upcoming Space Café Austria, we’re going to delve into the real-life impact of Austria’s leadership in Energy Transition with Space Data. We’re also going to uncover the truth about the challenges of being united as a country towards space activities.

Joining us for this exciting discussion is Margit Mischkulnig, Head of Space Affairs at the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Mobility, Energy, Innovation and Technology. Our host, Sabine Pongruber, CEO of WEME Global, will be leading the conversation as we explore Austria’s strong footprint in space with UN Outer Space Affairs Office, EUMESAT, and ESPI headquartered in Vienna.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about the relevance of Austria’s politics to the global space community. Be sure to join the conversation and share your thoughts!

Since September 2017, Margit Mischkulnig is serving as Head of the Department for Space Affairs at the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK). Her areas of specialisation include macro- and micro-economics with a specific focus on industrial policy. She joined the BMK in 2015, after working in the Ministry of Finance, the European Commission and the World Bank Group. She served in ministers’ cabinet responsible for innovation and technology. Margit Mischkulnig holds a master degree in economics from the University of Vienna.

The audience will have an opportunity to ask questions in dialogue with Margit Mischkulnig.

This Space Café Austria will be conducted in English.

SpaceWatch.Global is a Europe-based digital magazine and portal for those interested in space and the far-reaching impact of the space sector.

Reserve your spot now.

To register please click here.

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