BDLI - 15th NSBreakfast

38th Space Symposium – Interview with Kevin O‘Connell

The day before the Space Symposium starts, Kevin and Torsten met on the stunning terrace of the Cheyenne Mountains Resort. Surrounded by the beautiful view of the Colorado mountains they discussed about the status of the upcoming Space Economy Insights podcast, their next guest and of course, the expectations from the Symposium.

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Space Cafè Radio – from 38th Space Symposium – with Dr. Thomas Sinn

In this  Space Café Radio - SpaceWatch.Global publisher Torsten Kriening spoke with Dr. Thomas Sinn, CEO and Founder of DCUBED,  a Munich-based developer of actuators and deployable structures tailored for nano-satellites and the commercial space industry, about the "small" things that matter in space and their new location in the US.