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Register Today For Our Space Café “33 minutes with Dennis Stone” On 4 October 2022

This Space Café WebTalk will feature Dennis Stone, Commercial Space Executive at NASA and President of World Space Week Association, in conversation with Torsten Kriening, publisher of SpaceWatch.Global.

World Space Week 2022: An Insight into Space and Sustainability

Dennis and Torsten will discuss the upcoming World Space Week 2022 with the topic of Sustainability and Space.

Dennis Stone is volunteer President of World Space Week Association, the global coordinator of UN-declared World Space Week, held October 4-10 annually. The largest space event on Earth held in over 90 nations, World Space Week in 2021 consisted of over 6,000 events attracting over 700,000,000 Twitter impressions. Mr. Stone has led the Association since its founding.

Mr. Stone is a commercial space executive at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in the Commercial LEO Development Program. There he manages partnerships to support development of commercial LEO free flyers. The last half of his over 35 years with NASA has focused on such innovate commercial partnerships, starting with the Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) investment in commercial cargo capabilities of SpaceX and Northrop Grumman. The first half of his NASA career was working on the International Space Station in system engineering, avionics, international relations, risk management, and technology development. Prior to joining NASA, he worked for McDonnell Douglas, Ford Aerospace, and Rockwell. He has dual Bachelor of Science degrees in Physics and Electrical Engineering from the University of Hawaii.

The audience will have an opportunity to ask questions in dialogue with Dennis Stone.

SpaceWatch.Global is a Europe-based digital magazine and portal for those interested in space and the far-reaching impact of the space sector.

This Space Café WebTalk will be conducted in English on 4 October 2022 at 4 pm CEST.

Reserve your place today.

To register please click here

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