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Space Café Radio – ILA Special – with Lukasz Wilczynski

Lukasz Wilczynski; Photo courtesy of SpaceWatch.Global

In this Space Café Radio – SpaceWatch.Global publisher Torsten Kriening spoke with Lukasz Wilczynski, the founder and organizer of the European Rover Challenge and CEO of PR & Communications Agency for Poland/CEE of Planet Partners. We spoke with Lukasz during this year’s ILA Berlin, the largest aerospace trade show in Germany, which took place this year June 22 – 26.

In this episode, we discuss the European Rover Challenge its history, its challenges, the future, and about this year’s program. This event will take place in Poland, September 9 – 11,

The European Rover Challenge takes place in Poland on-site and remotely! It consists of two parts: the Challenge Zone and the Inspiration Zone. The Challenge Zone is a competition between autonomous rovers allowing students to showcase their skills and creativity. The competition requires students to design rovers to complete a mission that was executed by agencies like NASA or ESA on a make-shift martian surface. The winner of the event is chosen by the team whose software is best prepared to complete the mission and who responds effectively to critical situation.

Space Café Radio brings you talks, interviews and reports from the team of SpaceWatchers while out on the road. Each episode has a specific topic, unique content and a personal touch. Enjoy the show and let us know your thoughts at [email protected]!

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