Satellogic contracts SpaceX to launch 68 Earth observation satellites

Satellogic’s constellation roadmap. Credit: Satellogic

Edinburgh / New York, 6 May 2022. – Vertically integrated geospatial company Satellogic  announced that it has signed a multiple launch agreement with SpaceX to deploy 68 satellites.

Satellogic builds and manages its own spacecraft, as well as markets the collected Earth observation data. This vertical integration reduces costs and enables the company to offer actionable data at a more affordable price. SpaceX shares this view on decreasing the cost of access to space and so manufactures its own launch vehicles and spacecraft.

Satellogic recently launched five additional spacecraft to sun-synchronous orbit on SpaceX’s Transporter-4 mission. The firm currently operates 22 high-resolution satellites. With the additional 68 launches, the company will be able to remap the entire surface of the planet in high-resolution and with high-frequency. 

Satellogic is planning to launch additional satellites each quarter, aiming to reach a constellation of over 200 satellites by 2025. The company aims to provide daily sub-meter resolution imagery of the entire surface of the globe revisiting points of interest 40 times a day.

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