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Spanish Sateliot to connect nanosats and IoT with 5G

Paris, 29 January 2021. – The name is a program: The Spanish nanosatellite and telecommunications operator Sateliot wants to pioneer in the communication between satellites and Internet of Things (IoT).

Sateliot, which sees itself as “the first satellite telecommunications operator to provide global and continuous connectivity to the Internet of Things (IoT) universe under a 5G architecture”, works with the i2CAT foundation on the pioneering research project, the company announced.

Both, Sateliot and i2CAT are based in Barcelona.

Sateliot’s nanosatellites will function as telecommunications towers from space, providing 5G IoT coverage to mobile operators, the company says. “And they will do so through a roaming service so that these operators can in turn offer a global and massive internet of things service, without discontinuity, where terrestrial networks do not reach.”

The development of this system is one of the projects that are part of the Research and Development Plan in which Sateliot will invest 20 million euros in the coming years and which will be the largest investment in R&D in the field of 5G by satellite in Europe, the firm says.

Sateliot plans to start deploying its constellation of up to 100 nanosatellites from March this year.

The i2CAT foundation is a non-profit technology and research center that promotes R&D&I activities in the field of advanced digital technologies, their architecture, applications and services. The center collaborates with companies, public administrations, academic institutions and users to apply this knowledge to solve social and business challenges.

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