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Space Café Special Recap: “Race in Space” A Conversation about Equality and Civil Rights

In this Space Cafe Special, Michelle Hanlon, co-founder of For All Moonkind and Co-Director of the Center for Air and Space Law at the University of Mississippi School of Law, discusses “Race in Space” A Conversation about Equality and Civil Rights. The panel talked about race with diverse perspectives from within and outside the US space community.  It was our pleasure to host this incredible panel which included:

Jarard Williams: a recent graduate of the University of Mississippi School of Law who shared his research in a presentation entitled “The Dark Star: Black Representation in Space.”

Yvette Butler: who is joining the law faculty at the University of Mississippi this summer. She discussed recent events, how we got here, and how to engage to both ensure a more equal future and prevent the extension of racism with humans into space.

Kevin Myrick: Co-Founder of Synergy Moon, an official Google Lunar Xprize team, shared how space can help race relations and promote equality and justice.

and Jose Ocasio-Christian from Caelus Partners.

Each panelist suggested specific actions that can be taken by individuals to combat systemic racism. They also answered relevant questions from the audience.

For All Moonkind is working to build the foundation upon which successful and sustainable human communities may thrive in space, starting with a recognition of human heritage in space, and a reconfirmation of all human rights in space. >SpaceWatch.Global is a Switzerland-based digital magazine and portal for those interested in space and the far reaching impact of the space sector.

Want to know more? The slides are available at 200618_SpaceCafeWT_FAM_publish

The complete video can be seen here:

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