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16th EU Space Conference – Interview with Eric Morel de Westgaver, ESA

SpaceWatch.Global’s Editor-in-Chief Dr Emma Gatti, interviews Eric Morel de Westgaver, the Director European, Legal and International Matters at the European Space Agency (ESA), about ESA’s interest in the Asia market and their ongoing projects and collaborations with countries like Japan, India, South Korea, and China. They discuss various space missions, scientific cooperation, and upcoming ministerial meetings of ESA to propose new programs.”

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#SpaceWatchGL Opinion: 10 iconic marketing campaigns in Space

Marketing in outer space seems like an innovative idea, but it has 60+ years of history. Dr. Wernher von Braun, former Marshall Space Flight Center Director, pointed out on July 22, 1969: "Because without public relations we would have been unable to do it". Today, accelerated access to space provides unprecedented opportunities for #advertising stunts and viral marketing. Some campaigns raise ethical, environmental, and regulatory concerns, while others champion sustainability.