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Space Café Radio – on tour in Lausanne – with Prof. Dr. Frank Schaefer

Prof. Dr. Frank Schaefer; Photo courtesy of Fraunhofer EMI

In this Space Café Radio –  SpaceWatch.Global publisher Torsten Kriening spoke with Prof. Dr. Frank SchaeferDeputy director, head of business unit Space and head of system solutions department at Fraunhofer Ernst-Mach-Institute Freiburg/Germany, at the LEO Kinetic Space Safety Workshop in Lausanne about threats and risks in Low Earth Orbit and how to move forward to a sustainable future in space.

The LEO Kinetic Space Safety Workshop, 4-5 May 2022 in Lausanne aimed to provide specific solutions and pragmatic actions to enhance collisional space safety in low Earth orbit (LEO). The workshop brought together international experts, space practitioners and others to debate specific solutions over the course of two days. This workshop was organised by the eSpace Center at EPFL with the support of AXA XLClearSpaceLeoLabs, and Secure World Foundation.

Space Cafè Radio brings you talks, interviews and reports from the team of SpaceWatchers while out on the road. Each episode has a specific topic, unique content and a personal touch. Enjoy the show and let us know your thoughts at [email protected]!

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