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Space Café Radio – ILA Spezial – mit Sabine von der Recke

Chiara Moenter and Sabine von der Recke in the Space Café Glass Studio at ILA 2022; Credits: SpaceWatch.Global

In this Space Café Radio in german language – SpaceWatch.Global Event coordinator and Space Café Young Global Talents Host Chiara Moenter spoke with Sabine von der Recke, head of the Berlin office of the space company OHB. The interview was conducted during this year’s ILA Berlin, which is the largest aerospace trade show in Germany which took place June 22 – 26.

In the episode, Sabine and Chiara talk about European access to space and the need for European sovereignty, how to communicate the importance and benefits of the space industry outside of the space bubble, especially when talking to politicians, and the increased presence of space in daily life. Furthermore, Sabine and Chiara discuss if curiosity and excitement are enough or if we need more to expand the reach of space communication in the political landscape (compared to the chimney sweep!). The conversation ended with an outlook on the ILA’s crucial role in building bridges and fostering awareness.


Space Café Radio brings you talks, interviews, and reports from the team of SpaceWatchers while out on the road. Each episode has a specific topic, unique content, and a personal touch. Enjoy the show, and let us know your thoughts at [email protected]!

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