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Register Today For Our Space Café “33 minutes with Mike Simmons” On 5 October 2021

This Space Café WebTalk will feature Mike Simmons, lead and founder of a diverse range of astronomy programs and organizations, in conversation with Markus Payer, editor-in-chief of SpaceWatch.Global.

Astronomy: The Overview Effect for the Rest of Us

Mike Simmons has been an amateur astronomer and outreach leader for more than 40 years and loves sharing the sky with others. His outreach activities began in the 1970s with the Los Angeles Astronomical Society and at Griffith Observatory. In the 1980s, Mike founded the Mount Wilson Observatory Association, a support organization dedicated to improving the experience of visitors to the renowned observatory. Seeing astronomy as a universal interest that transcends cultural differences, Mike founded Astronomers Without Borders in 2006 to unite astronomy and space enthusiasts around the world through their common interests. Since retiring from Astronomers Without Borders, Mike has co-founded AstroGear Today and OneSky Expeditions, and has other projects in the works. Mike is retired from his 36-year career as a biomedical researcher at the School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), however, he is as busy as ever, now focusing on astronomy outreach and education with organizations worldwide.

In this Space Café, Mike will explain how astronomy can help bring the Overview Effect to Earth. Astronauts often experience a change in perception of our home planet after seeing it from space surrounded by stars. They return with a new appreciation for the interconnectedness of everyone and everything on the planet. The rest of us, however, can get a sense of this “Overview Effect” by looking up into space. Astronomy shows us not only our place in the Universe but how we are traveling together through space as crew members of Spaceship Earth. Astronomers have a unique perspective to share with the rest of humanity.

The audience will have an opportunity to ask questions in dialogue with Mike Simmons.

SpaceWatch.Global is a Switzerland-based digital magazine and portal for those interested in space and the far-reaching impact of the space sector.

This Space Café WebTalk will be conducted in English on 5 October 2021 at 4 pm CEST.

Reserve your place today.

To register please click here

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