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Space Café “Moriba’s Vox Populi 10” on What evidence constitutes harmful interference in space?

In this session of Space Cafè “Moriba’s Vox Populi 10” Dr. Moriba Jah talked about What evidence constitutes harmful interference in space? with

Moriba’s Vox Populi is a disruptor in the current growing ocean of webcasts! In the discussion they addressed:

  • What are culturally nuanced criteria for this?
  • What are the required evidence?
  • How is this even quantified?
  • What should the UN do about any of it, when raised to attention?
  • Is a legal framework in place to handle this?


After all, become a SpaceWatcher!

He also answered relevant questions from the audience and got the people a voice on stage.

This Space Cafè “Moriba’s Vox Populi 10”, held on 7th April 2022. The Space Cafè series is SpaceWatch.Global’s innovative webinar platform featuring global space experts.

SpaceWatch.Global is a Europe-based digital magazine and portal for those interested in space and the far-reaching impact of the space sector.

Our complete session can be seen here:

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