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ILA 2024 – Pre-Show Interview with Nicole Thalhofer, BDLI

Two day before the official opening of the ILA Airshow 2024 in Berlin, Torsten Kriening met with Nicole Thalhofer, Head of Space Department at BDLI and project manager for the Space Pavilion. Nicole gives an insight into the programs of the day and the things not to miss. We are looking forward to seeing you at the ILA 2024 the next days!

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Ariane 6 Upper Part Moves to Launch Pad for First Flight

The European Space Agency (ESA) has transferred Ariane 6's upper composite with the payloads that it will launch to Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana. The upper part of the rocket was moved from the encapsulation hall in Europe's Spaceport to the launch pad in the morning, and placed on top of the rocket. The rocket's fairing includes hardware from experiments, deployers, satellites and reentry capsules.