This Space Café Young Global Talents will feature Prof Michelle Hanlon, Space Lawyer, Co-founder For All Moonkind, Co-Director Air and Space Law at UMiss, USA, in conversation with Markus Payer, Editor-in-Chief of SpaceWatch.Global and Frederik Wissner, representative of ELSA Frankfurt am Main, Germany. ELSA is the renowned European Law Students Association.
This event will take place on 25 March at 7:00 pm CET.
“Law in Space – What for?” – is the theme of our first session. Very basic. Very relevant for SpaceWatchers and those who want to become it.
“One small step for a man – one giant leap for mankind“. There is probably nobody on Earth who hasn’t heard those words of Neil Armstrong. But with the landing on the Moon and the planting of an American flag in its soil, Neil Amstrong kicked off a load of questions you didn’t even think about before.
- Who owns the Moon?
- Can the Moon be any nation’s property?
- Which country’s law is in force in space?
50 years later, these questions are still not answered. While some high-profile hightech-billionaires have started a real race to space and plan missions to “occupy” Moon and Mars, we are still struggling with the fundamentals. Is this the time to get some more regulation in place? Is space law the right tool to do it?
- We would like to discuss:
- What is space law and why do we need it?
- Who sets space law and what are space lawyers doing?
- How can students and young people get engaged in the field of space law and engage in our endeavours to become a beyond-Earth species?
In cooperation with SpaceWatch.Global, a platform for the global space community, and ELSA Frankfurt am Main, we will host an event to discuss these questions.
We will talk to Professor Michelle Hanlon, Co-Director of the Center for Air and Space Law at the University of Mississippi and one of the leading space lawyers in the world.
After having discussed the main questions of space law and what it’s for, you will have the once in a lifetime opportunity to ask Professor Michelle Hanlon the questions you have about space law.
With this unique event, SpaceWatch.Global is launching a new format of it’s famous Space Cafés: the Space Cafe Young Global Talents. Come and join!
SpaceWatch.Global is a Switzerland-based digital magazine and portal for those interested in space and the far-reaching impact of the space sector.
This Space Café Young Global Talents will be conducted in English. Reserve your place today.