WSBW - 2024

SINC 2023 – Day 3 – Interview with Dr Pete Worden

Remco Timmermans had the unique opportunity to have an informal chat with Dr. S. Pete Worden of the Breakthrough Initiatives. Breakthrough is one of the key supporters and sponsors of the Space for Island Nations Conference 2023

I asked him about two things that are important to emerging space nations and that were key points in the conference:

1) As a space policy advisor to the Luxembourg government, Dr. Worden shared a list of five key elements of a national space policy. These elements, adjusted to the specific national situation of a country, form the basis for a new national space ecosystem, like for island nations.

2) As a director of the Breakthrough Initiatives, which is all about the future exploration of very deep space, I asked him how students and really anyone interested in emerging and small space nations can benefit from these highly inspirational projects.

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