SpaceWatch.Global is pleased to present the 12th episode in our podcast series The Space Cafe Podcast: Chris Lee – How will Hubble die? Is this the golden era of space travel? Why ESA has a bright future.
Episode 012 features special guest Chris Lee.
Chris Lee has just retired from his position as Chief Scientist of the UK Space Agency and, after 40 years in the space industry, can now finally retire to do what he enjoys most: space travel. Chris has had a career in some of the most dramatic and legendary missions in space travel. Hubble, Beagle2, Exomars to name a few. Now that he has retired, he can talk freely about his 40 years of passion. Also about why he thinks ESA could have a great future.
The Space Cafe Podcast brings our signature brand of engaging and relevant content from across the global space economy to you via an exciting new format. Together with award winning Executive Producer, Markus Mooslechner (Terra Mater Factual Studios), our fortnightly podcast features highly interesting guests.
Each episode includes a review of important topics, as well as guest appearances and deep commentary from expert panelists from across the space sector.
Thanks to our global distribution partner, BookWire, the podcast is available on all major podcast platforms.