G-Space receives NASA Science Mission grant to provide microgravity insights

Space materials and software developer, G-Space, has been selected by the NASA Science Mission Directorate for a highly competitive award …
G-Space receives NASA Science Mission grant to provide microgravity insights
ATOM processed and ATOM analytics data. Credit: G-Space

Budapest / Sunnyvale, 22 July 2022. – Space materials and software developer, G-Space, has been selected by the NASA Science Mission Directorate for a highly competitive award to provide unique microgravity insights from the openly available data in NASA’s Physical Sciences Informatics (PSI) Systems, the company said. 

The program is part of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences – 2021 (ROSES-2021) solicitation. The selected five ground-based proposals include experts in combustion science, complex fluids, fluid physics, informatics, and materials science. All five will use PSI system data to advance fundamental physical science research.

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G-Space’s AI-powered ATOM platform is an end-to-end Software-as-a-Service. It supports data, analytics and design needs for microgravity research and development as well as in-space manufacturing. G-Space’s goal is for ATOM to be the basis for realistic roadmaps rooted in microgravity science leading to superior in-space manufactured products.

With the award, NASA recognises that commercial companies can also contribute to science. The project will aid better interaction with data, standardize data output and perform analysis on selected datasets, NASA said.

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