BDLI - 15th NSBreakfast

Space Café Recap “Moriba’s Vox Populi 07” on Space threats or hazards? Can cultural differences explain space actor behavior(s)?

In this session of Space Cafè “Moriba’s Vox Populi 07” Dr. Moriba Jah talked about Space threats or hazards? Can cultural differences explain space actor behavior(s)? with

Moriba’s Vox Populi is a disruptor in the current growing ocean of webcasts! In the discussion they addressed:

  • Threats require the concurrent existence of opportunity, capability, and intent to cause harm. Physical sensors can help us measure and know the opportunity and capability. But not the intent. How do we infer intent?
  • Because intent is ambiguous, what outcomes happen when we assume malintent?
  • Can cultural differences amongst space actors explain what otherwise might be interpreted as harmful behaviors?
  • Can we develop practices and protocols to allay malintent and mitigate escalatory behaviors in space?

After all, become a SpaceWatcher!

He also answered relevant questions from the audience and got the people a voice on stage.

This Space Cafè “Moriba’s Vox Populi 07”, held on 14 October 2021. The Space Cafè series is SpaceWatch.Global’s innovative webinar platform featuring global space experts.

SpaceWatch.Global is a Switzerland-based digital magazine and portal for those interested in space and the far-reaching impact of the space sector.

Our complete session can be seen here:

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