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First private Mission to the Moon awarded a Bronze Lion at the Cannes Festival of Creativity

AUDI Lunar Quattro (Rev 4) on the festival grounds in Cannes; Credits: PTScientists
AUDI Lunar Quattro (Rev 4) on the festival grounds in Cannes; Credits: PTScientists

PTScientists, the German team of scientists and engineers working with AUDI and the media agency Thjnk behind the first private Mission to the Moon have been awarded a Bronze Lion at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. As SpaceWatch Middle East reported the other week, the PTScientists team had been nominated in three categories for a Cannes Lion.

A strong case for an increasing symbiosis of space mission development and successful marketing

At its heart the Cannes Festival aims to award and celebrate the most influential and successful product marketing campaigns and agencies each year. Thus the nomination of a real space mission this year was quite a surprising twist not just for the PTScientists themselves but also the Jury and visitors of the Cannes festival.

PTScientist’s mission team lead Robert Boehme told SpaceWatch Middle East that, “It was really a positive surprise to be nominated and invited to the Cannes festival and be able bring home a Bronze lion! It helps us show the strong role actual space exploration – not cinema science fiction – can play in the day to day marketing which is now more than ever focused on showcasing real and strong innovation that people believe in. However this is not a one-way relationship, the strong benefits space exploration provides for marketing turn it into a very strong case for sponsors and technical partners to strike highly valuable deals with private space companies to fund their far fetching endeavors. Investor relationships in space have always been troubled by the long time ROI (Return On Investment) and the often hard to establish direct customer link. Thus international partnerships and sponsorships in space can help private space startups fill this gap and provide marketing opportunities by far out shining even historically large missions such as RedBull Stratos.”

Following the ILA Airshow in Berlin four weeks ago, where the team unveiled their third generation lunar landing spacecraft ALINA, this award was an important non-technical milestone. SpaceWatch Middle East looks forward to learning more about the next big technical milestones coming up such as the proto-flight qualification and the launch reservation to get the mission going by 2018.

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