BDLI - 15th NSBreakfast

How to: Create a post – newspost

Date: March 30, 2018

Edit: Torsten

This guideline is intended to help all contributors, authors and editors or SpaceWatch.Global to provide the posts in a equal quality.

Basic terms:

  • basic language of SpaceWatch.Global is English – all posts (as long they a bi-lingual) start with the English version. In the widgets is a language switch on the right.

1. Start with NEW POST

Go to posts and click new post  – or use the + new from the menu line.

2. Headline

The headline has to be catchy. If the post is a news post, the headline can stand on its own. The length shall not exceed 100 characters. If the post is a feature, then it has to start with #SpaceWatchGL …interviews, op’eds, themes. The brand is always #SpaceWatchGL – #SpaceWatchME, #SpaceWatchRU will be tags

3. Text

The text for news shall not extend 500 words – for fatures not more than 1500. If the post is longer, it has to be split into parts. Format of the Text is “paragraph’ – we dont use the additional formatting of the WP editor.

Questions (in an interview) or sub-headlines – will be bold, italic and in navy blue!

SpaceWatch.Global will be always in italic

Intros are in bold and italic.

4. Picture

Every post should have 3 pictures in the text with subline and credits. The resolution shall be 500px or higher. For the featured image a resolution about 1000px would be great. Vertical pictures cant be use for features images – a copy has to be made and a landscape cut has to follow. The display of the featured image will be always in landscape with a focus on the middle. Be aware of the resolution!

If the test is written, then the meta data has to follow!


5. Yoast SEO

The SEO is important to find the article in google and other search engines. This is important to fill out.

5.1. Edit snipped

Here a copy of the first two sentences can be filled in. The bar has to be green.

5.2. Focus keyword

This focus keyword has to set well. A guideline will be shown below while placing it

5.3. Cornerstone content

If the content is a feature, then we define it as cornerstone content  with a marker


6. Excerpt

The excerpt will be important for the APP. This shall be a summary of the article to get peoples interest. Length is open.


7. Categories

The categories are the most important part and define where the post will be shown.

Primary category has to be the region – such as “Asia Pacific” !

To display the post in the main slider – the post need to have a NEWS or Feature Category

Other categories can be added


8. Tags

The number of tags shall NOT exceed 20! These tags will be used automatically (in alphabetic order) in the social media posts.


9. Leaky PayWall

All articles shall be tagged for the paywall. This means mark ” only visible at…” and then for the NEWS items – all paywall elements (6 at the moment). Features has to be market in the PREMIUM elements (4 at the moment)


10. Sahifa -More Options

Hide Meta Post – YES

Hide Authors information – YES


10. Publishing

11. Russian Text