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Beresheet 2 Lunar Mission Loses Chief Donors

Illustration of Beresheet 2 Mission. Credit: SpaceIL
Ibadan, 16 May 2023. – SpaceIL has announced that several of the main donors to the Beresheet 2 mission have decided not to continue their investment in the project due to circumstances “that are unrelated to the organization and its partners,” according to local sources. The donors had previously invested $45 million in the project that aims to land two modules on the moon.
Sources close to the donors said that in view of the economic and social situation in Israel, the intention is to divert resources to issues related to education and leadership. The shift emphasizes helping non-profit organizations in this field that are currently having difficulty raising funds and are doing important work for society in Israel.
Commenting on behalf of the donors, Morris Kahn said, “After investing together with my partners $45 million in the Beresheet 2 mission, it is with a very heavy heart that we have come to the decision to stop our funding – these times obligate us to invest our resources and time in other philanthropic projects.”
Speaking on the issue, SpaceIL announced that it will continue to make every effort to fulfill the Beresheet vision and will act immediately to find new funding in order to achieve the realization of its mission. The total cost of the Beresheet 2 mission is approximately $100 million. That cost includes dual lunar landings by two independent modules on both sides of the moon as well as the conversion of the mothership into a long-term, scientific-educational lunar orbiter.

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